
What Is Web3? 10 Things You Really Should Know

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You’ve probably heard the buzz about Web3, and you’re curious, right? Well, you’re in the right spot! I’m here to break down “What Is Web3?” into bite-sized, easy-to-understand pieces. 


Whether you’re a digital native or just dipping your toes into the online world, these 10 key points will give you a solid understanding of what Web3 is all about.

Image representing wifi in the blog about what is web3

1. The Evolution of the Internet

Understanding Web3 starts with a quick history lesson. We kicked off with Web1 in the ’90s, which was all about static websites — essentially, read-only web pages where interaction was minimal.

Fast forward to the 2000s, and Web2 revolutionized how we use the internet, introducing dynamic sites, social media, and e-commerce.

It was a significant shift, turning the internet into an interactive experience, but with a catch: centralization. Companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon began to dominate, controlling data and user interactions. 

Enter Web3, a vision for a new internet era that’s decentralized, transparent, and user-centric. It’s an exciting shift that aims to return control to the users, ensuring that they’re not just participants but stakeholders in the digital realm.

2. Decentralization is Key

Picture the internet as a giant game of Monopoly. Right now, companies like Facebook and Google own the board, the pieces, and the bank. 


Decentralization wants to change the game so that everyone playing has a piece of the board. It’s like if each player got to decide the rules of their own property. 


This shift from a single-entity-controlled web to a user-governed space is what sets Web3 apart. It’s about taking the power from the few and distributing it to the many.

Image representing blockchain in the blog about what is web3

3. Blockchain: The Foundation of Web3

Think of blockchain as an indestructible digital ledger. Every transaction, every interaction is recorded and set in digital stone. 


Ethereum, for instance, isn’t just a cryptocurrency; it’s a platform where people can build anything from games to decentralized finance apps, all operating on this unchangeable, secure ledger. 


It’s the tech magic that makes trustless transactions possible—no need to rely on a middleman when the code ensures fairness and transparency.

4. Empowering Users Like Never Before

In Web3, your voice and actions directly impact the digital world you’re part of. It’s not just about browsing; it’s about contributing, influencing, and being rewarded. 


Think of it as moving from being a mere audience member to a lead actor in the digital realm. Your participation isn’t just valued; it’s essential, and for the first time, it’s also rewarded in real, tangible ways.

Image representing NFTs in the blog about what is web3

5. NFTs: Owning Digital Assets

NFTs revolutionize ownership in the digital space. When you buy an NFT, whether it’s art from Beeple, a quirky CryptoPunk, or a member of the Bored Ape Yacht Club, you’re not just buying a picture or a token. 


You’re securing a piece of the blockchain that verifies your ownership—forever. And here’s the kicker: when you create an NFT, you can earn royalties in perpetuity. 


Every time it changes hands, you get a cut. It’s like being a musician who gets paid every time someone covers their song, except for digital art.

Image representing DeFi in the blog about what is web3

6. DeFi: Revolutionizing Finance

DeFi lets you do with your digital assets what you’d typically do with your money at a bank, but without the bank. 


Want to take out a loan using your digital art as collateral? Go for it. Earn interest on your cryptocurrency stash? Easy. 


It’s like turning your digital wallet into a Swiss Army knife of financial tools, without the hefty fees or the stern-looking bank manager.

7. DAOs: A New Way to Organize

DAOs are essentially online communities with a shared bank account. Every member has a say in how funds are spent, guided by the collective’s rules encoded in a smart contract. 


It’s like a group of friends pooling their money to buy a pizza, but on a global scale and for much more than just pizza. These aren’t your typical top-down companies; they’re flat structures where everyone’s voice can be heard.

8. Privacy and Security Upgrades

Web3 gives you a VIP pass to the online world, where you decide who gets a glimpse into your digital life. Your data isn’t up for grabs; it’s yours, secured by blockchain technology. 


It’s a world where you can browse, interact, and transact without leaving digital footprints for corporations to track.

Image representing marketplaces in the blog about what is web3

9. Access to a Global Marketplace

Web3 is your ticket to a marketplace without borders. Whether you’re an artist in Tokyo selling to a collector in Buenos Aires or a developer in Cairo offering services to a company in Toronto, Web3 connects you directly to your audience or clients, no intermediaries required.

A lady in the metaverse to signify scarcity in the blog about Why NFTs are Important for Artists

10. The Future of Web3

Imagine a future where you can slip on a VR headset and step into a virtual concert halfway around the world, stroll through an art gallery that only exists in the digital realm, or have a meeting on Mars. 


Web3, with its convergence with technologies like the metaverse and augmented reality, is setting the stage for these experiences, transforming how we interact, create, and explore online.

Concluding Thoughts

There you have it—10 essential insights that answer the question, “What is Web3?” Whether your interest lies in unraveling the technical intricacies or keeping abreast of emerging digital phenomena, delving into Web3 provides a solid foundation. 

Continue your journey of discovery, nurture your curiosity, and step confidently into the evolving landscape of the internet!

Read this next: 10 Great Reasons Why NFTs are Important for Artists

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